In the bustling streets of Kibera, Nairobi, a young man named James Muigai, now known as Dj Afro, embarked on a journey to market his films packed in the outdated Video Home System (VHS) format.
with him a bag filled with bulky tapes, his first stop was in Kibera, where he hoped to find a market for his films.
However, his dreams were shattered when a gang of youths accosted him, snatching his films and ordering him to leave and never come back.
This made Dj Afro gave up on marketing in Nairobi’s informal settlements.
But fate had a different plan in store for him.
After about two months, one of the young men who had taken his films returned unexpectedly.
Surprisingly, they had found the films incredibly captivating and wanted more.
This unexpected turn of events marked Dj Afro’s entry into the Kibera market and its environs.
Since then,Dj Afro has become a household name, captivating audiences with his unique craft of narrating hundreds of films.
His secret to remaining relevant for a decade and a half lies in his unwavering authenticity and consistency.
“I’ve never strayed from the character I’ve always been since the beginning of my career, and above all, I believe in God,” Dj Afro proudly says.
His recent performance during the Jamhuri Day celebrations reignited memories and reminded Kenyans of the uniqueness and charm of their country.
Young Kenyans flooded social media platforms, reminiscing about their childhood spent watching films narrated by Dj Afro in his humorous style.
The overwhelming response touched Dj Afro deeply, considering his long-standing presence in the industry.
He believes that there is always a season that favors everyone in their respective fields.
Throughout his career, Dj Afro has witnessed significant transitions, particularly in the field of technology.
He experienced the shift from analog to digital, from VHS to Video Compact Disks (VCDs), and eventually to DVDs.
Currently, in the era of USB flash drives-
He anticipates further advancements, leveraging the vast space on the internet to make content more accessible.
Looking toward the future, Dj Afro is developing an app that will allow his fans to download and pay to watch his content from the comfort of their gadgets.
Additionally, he envisions establishing a school to train aspiring artists in the art of film narration-
with a personal desire to be directly involved in the training process.
While Dj Afro has achieved remarkable success, he acknowledges the challenges he faces, particularly dealing with fraudsters.
Numerous imposters have surfaced in the industry, including on social media platforms and new digital TVs.
Some even go as far as signing contracts impersonating him.
This exploitation of real artists by companies need a robust policies to protect artists in the industry.
Despite these obstacles, Dj Afro remains resilient.
He continues to create fresh content to captivate his audience and stay at the forefront of the market.
To connect with his fans on a more personal level
He has organized a series of public shows across the E.A region, allowing them to finally put a face to the voice behind the films.
During his travels to various venues, Dj Afro has also noticed the alarming prevalence of drug abuse among the youth.
While they form a significant portion of his clientele, their potential remains untapped due to substance addiction.
Inspired to make a difference
Dj Afro aspires to establish a foundation that will help youth overcome drug addiction and create opportunities for employment.
Dj Afro humble beginnings in Kibera to his current status as a celebrated film narrator.